Touch for Health

to go

Touch for Health to go

The 14-Muscle-Balance for on the road

Do you know it too?

You find yourself in a situation where you would like to work with a Touch for Health Balance but you do not have any documents with you. Even if you have mastered the technique, there are still some questions that arise during the balance:

Where were the neurovascular points for the peroneus again?

Or, you are still in the learning process and would like to have the process of the 14-muscle-balance and possible corrections at hand at any time?

Or, you are in training and looking for a tool to memorize the process?

Touch for Health to go is an app by kinesiologists for kinesiologists.

Every muscle test at a glance

For each of the 14 muscle tests there is an overview with balance techniques from Touch for Health 1 and 2.

Muscle test to copy

We made photos of muscle testing and marked them with arrows.

Neurolymphatic zones

The neurolymphatic zones are displayed on a 3D model.

Neurovascular points

The neurovascular points are held only slightly. In the detailed view they are described with a large picture and an explanation.

Spinal reflex points

If the muscle does not hold on both sides, the correction with the spinal reflex points is recommended.

Acupressure points

The tonifying acupressure points are first held on one side, then on the opposite side.

App Store

Available in Apple App Store

Play Store

Available in Google Play Store

About Touch for Health to go

This app was developed by kinesiologists for kinesiologists.

All the techniques you need for a Touch for Health® 14 Muscle Balance are now always with you.

The app is intended as a supplement to Touch for Health® courses, books and charts.

Have fun with the app and we are looking forward to your feedback!

Conny Bruhn und Matthew Thie

Talk to us

We look forward to your feedback and questions about the app.